Manic Writing Momma

This essay was published in The Mom Egg, the official literary publication of the Mamapalooza Festival. Mamapalooza is the lifetstyle and entertainment spot for creative Moms who ROCK (and roll!). The only cultural event of its kind, Mamapalooza FESTIVALS, MEDIA and MERCHANDISE encourage all Mothers to become women of unlimited self-esteem through creative expression and cooperative opportunity.

I couldn't make it to NYC in May to read my essay at a local bar where some of the Mamapalooza festivities were taking place, so I'll just share it here with you!

Manic Writing Mama

Five years ago, while my youngest princess contentedly slurped her bottle, a voice within shattered my consciousness with a profound message: I would write a book. Not just any book, but a manuscript that could have a major impact on the people of my generation.
"Uh oh little princess, we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

Kansas? More like Neptune or Pluto. I was catapulted out of my ordinary suburban world, for the intuitive flash was accompanied by a drastic change in my cognitive processes. Information, ideas, and insights rampaged through my mind 24/7, and all I wanted to do was write, write, write. Things I previously enjoyed: reading to my daughters, strolling in the park, and play dates now infringed upon my writing obsession. At first, early bedtimes provided several hours to reflect, and write the oodles of observations that oozed out of my cerebellum, but as the two princesses grew, that precious quiet time dwindled. Night owl became my middle name.

Eventually, the late nights and early morns took their toll on my health. Manic writing mom crashed big time. This total burn-out forced a break from composing, but offered the opportunity to ponder what compelled me to write, write, write. What strategies could be employed to avoid wiping out my adrenals and frying my nervous system again?

Nearly a year passed before my soul felt the yearning to write once more. This time, I learned to exploit opportune moments throughout the day. I’d jot down key phrases that popped into my cranium while the girls ate organic fruit loops or put on their cleats and tiaras before heading to soccer practice. No more late nights.

While driving, a digital tape recorder came in handy for those "Amazing concepts my book can't live without" moments. A separate file allowed the girls to record themselves talking as if they were “the snooty princess sisters,” without the worry that they’d accidentally erase my brilliant "AHAs!"

Being a mom with a writing obsession/addiction… problem, turned out to be no problem at all, for my passion has forged two creative, self-sufficient young ladies. The baby, now six years old, loves to cook. That's no surprise since mom is the reigning "Costco Prepared Dinner Queen." Not to be outdone by the "Queen,” the girls, wearing pants on their heads to emulate long hair, pretend they are Cinderellas while doing household chores. This new independence leaves more spare time for the wicked pretend step-mother to write, write, write.

Most of all, the princesses ground the Queen in "reality." Writing is such a creative, cerebral process, that I easily become lost in some other cosmic dimension. They bring me back to earth with a yelled chorus of "Mom, we're hungry!" Before hurrying towards the kitchen, I hit the save key and bark back, "So, what are you cooking up? I'm hungry too!"

Only time will tell what impact my book will have on society, but writing it has certainly had an enormous impact on my royal family.

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