Finally!! My Book is Released 11/11/08

Tomorrow, on 11/11/08, I Found All the Parts is officially released into the world. I've spent the last year going through massive editing revisions, and writing to potential endorsers, bloggers and others who might be interested in my spiritual awakening with a rock band. I was blown away by the overwhelmingly positive responses.

Amazing synchronicities have happened, like when I asked the Universe to send me someone who understood my unusual odyssey to help promote my book. A few days later I wrote to music industry blogger Bob Lefsetz in response to one of his blogs, and he posted my email as an "Email of the Day." It got sent to tens of thousands of his readers and several contacted me, including music journalist Lonn Friend. Lonn's been helping me get the word out about I Found All the Parts these past few months. It's been great to have someone who knows everyone in the music biz help guide me as I ease on down the Rock 'n' Roll Yellow Brick Road of self-discovery. I love it when I "Ask" and "It is Given" happens so effortlessly.

So tomorrow I'm sending a mass email to over 400 people, many who have been asking me, "When will your book be published?" for the last umpteen years. It's finally happening! I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone's support, and I hope that if the book is of interest, it helps launch you on your own journey down the Yellow Brick Road of greater self-awareness. What a long, deliriously strange and thrilling trip it's been. And I think the trip will just get more amazing as time goes on.

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