Dr. Heidi Petersen shares insights about the healing power of Rock ‘n’ Roll

I recently spoke with clairvoyant Heidi Petersen, Ph. D. about the spiritual impact rock music has had upon us.  I met Heidi years ago when I was conducting a rock ‘n’ roll research experiment at a Cheap Trick concert. I asked Heidi and several other intuitives to attend a show with me to see what psychic impressions they might pick up on among the band and the fans.  Details are in my book, I Found All the Parts: Healing the Soul through Rock ‘n’ Roll, but overall, the intuitives sensed there was a strong affinity for fans and band that seemed to stem from other lifetimes.

My theory that fans and bands are drawn together to heal emotional trauma may seem way out there, but the healing power of sound has been known for thousands of years. It makes sense to me that this is one way we join together, like the tribes and clans in the past, to move to the rhythms of music. According to professor Dr. Brad Keeney, shaking and movement can be essential elements in connection to our spirituality and healing.  Could so many people be attracted to rock ‘n’ roll because we are innately drawn to that which can help us spiritually “wake up?”

Heidi discusses how she  energetically sees rock music as evolving from a spiritually shamanic tradition. She feels that many rock bands may have been together in smaller communities in other lifetimes, and set an intention to eventually bring music to a larger audience.  However, in this lifetime, as the bands grew more influential in technologically advanced societies, the irony is that they lost their sense of connection to their spirituality because of being raised in a more secular, logical world.

And that’s the rub. Mass media brought The Beatles into our homes, but it catapulted The Beatles and other bands into super-stardom. This made it difficult for bands to remember what the heck they incarnated for in the first place, and let’s just say the spiritual connection to music was lost for the most part. But now, many artists claim that rock music is very spiritual, so perhaps they are beginning to remember this genre’s original purpose…to help us “Wake the Bleep Up!” to our spiritual nature and heal the soul with rock ‘n’ roll.

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