Book sales and Left Handed people rock

Well, book sales are slow for my opus, but that's to be expected in the beginning. Lately, more people are buying copies from me directly, and I greatly appreciate all of the support. I'm enthusiastic that my journey can help some people see their attraction to music in a new light, but maybe I've been going about this all back-assward. Maybe I need to pitch the book to lefties.

Based upon a little MSN "Is it True?" blurb, southpaws are smarter than righties. We have higher IQs, solve problems better and enjoy more extensive vocabularies than righties, but our memories are poorer than those who are right hand dominant. Ha! Since brain hemispheres are switched, and the right hand is contolled primarily with the left half of the brain, then the old joke that lefties are the only people in their right minds is really true.

What's also interesting is that music tends to primarily activate our right hemisphere. According to the following website, right brain dominant people tend to have the following characteristics.  The first thing listed is that they tend to prefer rock music! I really do need to market my book to lefties.

* Prefer rock music
* Right brain controls left side of body
* Prefer visual instructions with examples
* Good at sports
* Good at art
* Follow Eastern thought*
* Cat lovers
* Enjoy clowning around
* Can be hypnotized
* Like to read fantasy and mystery stories
* Can listen to music or TV while studying
* Like to write fiction
* Prefer group
* Fun to dream about things that will probably never happen
* Enjoy making up own drawings and images
* Good at geometry
* Like organizing things to show relation
* Can memorize music
* Occasionally absentminded
* Like to act out stories
* Enjoy interacting affectively with others
* Think better when lying down
* Become restless during long verbal explanations
* Enjoy creative storytelling
* Prefer to learn through free exploration
* Good at recalling spatial imagery
* Read for main details
* Skilled in showing relationships between ideas
* Preference for summarizing over outlining
* Solve problems intuitively
* Very Spontaneous and unpredictable
* Dreamer
* philosophical

"Dreamer" and "philosophical" definitely depict my personality. If you're a lefty, do you fall into most of these categories? Write back and let me know.